13 Git proxy config
1. Alternative 1 to proxy via ssh for git.
Config the ~/.ssh/config
file, add the following config:
Host github.com # <-- The name of the host you want to connect to like github.com
Hostname github.com # <-- The actual hostname of the server like github.com
User git
ProxyCommand nc -x <proxy_server>:<proxy_port> -X 5 %h %p # Set the proxy server and port
If you want to cancel the proxy, you just need to remove the above config.
2. Alternative 2 to proxy via bash environment variable.
git config --global http.proxy <proxy_server>:<proxy_port>
git config --global https.proxy <proxy_server>:<proxy_port>
If you want to cancel the proxy, The following command can be used:
git config --global --unset http.proxy
git config --global --unset https.proxy