98 收录优秀的开源项目
1 websites
wuchuhengtools/app-distribution →
zyx0814/dzzoffice →
Dzzoffice是一套开源办公套件,适用于企业、团队搭建自己的 类似“Google企业应用套件”、“微软Office365”的企业协同办公平台。
makeplane/plane →
2 Email Server.
mailu/mailu →
Mailu is a simple yet full-featured mail server as a set of Docker images.
axllent/mailpit →
SMTP server for testing email sending in development
3 awesome projects.
sindresorhus/awesome →
awesome 收集世界上各种优秀开源项目
521xueweihan/HelloGitHub →
helloGithub 收集世界上各种优秀开源项目
4 Document Search Engine.
meilisearch/MeiliSearch →
5 Kubernetes and Docker.
ameizi/vagrant-kubernetes-cluster →
kubesphere/kubesphere →
Kubesphere is a fascinating project.
play-with-docker/play-with-docker →
Play With Docker gives you the experience of having a free Alpine Linux Virtual Machine in the cloud where you can build and run Docker containers and even create clusters with Docker features like Swarm Mode.\nUnder the hood DIND or Docker-in-Docker is used to give the effect of multiple VMs/PCs.
6 Editors
cdr/deploy-code-server →
vscode 在线版
coder/code-server →
coder是完全的一个线上的IDE开发环境,可以是vscode或webstorm或idea等等, 很了不起
7 Open Source University.
wangdoc/clang-tutorial →
philip-jvm/learn-spring-boot-graphql →
youtube上的springBoot graphql 视频教程👋
ossu/computer-science →
开源计算机科学课程,是世界是最好的计算机科学教学资料之一,资料来自哈佛学 普林斯顿等院校,学完后相当于上完了大学的计算机科学课程
worldzhao/react-ui-library-tutorial →
一个react库的教程, 获益良多
8 Diagram Tools.
weidagang/text-diagram →
TextDiagam is a web tool for drawing UML sequence diagram in pure text.
9 Proxy tools.
ehang-io/nps →
NPS is a tool to access nps server through http proxy
vaxilu/x-ui →
10 CI/CD
harness/drone →
11 Ebooks.
cdhigh/KindleEar →
Translate rss/atom feed into mobi/epub for kindle
12 Monitor.
TwiN/gatus →
louislam/uptime-kuma →
13 Developer Document.
umijs/dumi →
14 AI projects.
langgenius/dify →
Dify is an open-source LLM app development platform.
ollama/ollama →
local AI models
ollama-webui/ollama-webui-lite →
exo-explore/exo →
Run your own AI cluster at home with everyday devices 📱💻 🖥️⌚
GaiaNet-AI/gaianet-node →
Install and run your own AI agent service
15 JS Engine
bellard/quickjs →
a small and embeddable javascript engine
16 webAssembly
WasmEdge/WasmEdge →
WasmEdge is a lightweight, high-performance, and extensible WebAssembly runtime
17 nodejs binary compiler
vercel/pkg →
Single-Command node.js binary compiler
nexe/nexe →
Nexe is a command-line utility that compiles your Node.js application into a single executable file.
18 梯子
233boy/v2ray →
v2ray automatic installed script
19 Website Design Standards.
uswds/uswds →
21 Object Storage.
minio/minio →
22 blog website
typecho/typecho →
23 UML
mermaid-js/mermaid-live-editor →
UML web端开源编辑器
24 docker tools
wagoodman/dive →
A tool for exploring each layer in a Docker image and discovering ways to shrink its size. In other words, Dive can help you explore which files or folders will be included in the Docker image.
sickcodes/Docker-OSX →
Run macOS VM in a Docker! Run near native OSX-KVM in Docker! X11 Forwarding! CI/CD for OS X Security Research! Docker mac Containers.
25 Certificates.
acmesh-official/acme →
automatic generate the let's encrypt certificates
26 Citadel
jumpserver/jumpserver →
jumpserver is an open source citadel for managing Linux and windows servers
27 Grammar.
languagetool-org/languagetool →
Style and Grammar Checker for 25+ Languages
28 Algorithm
algorithm-visualizer/algorithm-visualizer →
nteractive Online Platform that Visualizes Algorithms from Code
29 Rx - Reactive Programming.
moroshko/rxviz →
Rx Visualizer - Animated playground for Rx Observables
30 DNS sever.
pi-hole/docker-pi-hole →
Pi-hole is a DNS server based on a docker container