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function fun1(callback, funcParams) {
// 进行处理
console.log(`this is fun1 and the params is ${funcParams}`)
const arr = ['success', 'error']
// 判断是否处理成功,是则下一步,否则返回结果
const isSucess = arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)] === 'success' ? true : false;
return isSucess ? callback() : {funcName: 'fun1', reselt: 'error'}

function fun2(callback, funcParams) {
// 进行处理
console.log(`this is fun2 and the params is ${funcParams}`)
const arr = ['success', 'error']
// 判断是否处理成功,是则下一步,否则返回结果
const isSucess = arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)] === 'success' ? true : false;
return isSucess ? callback() : {funcName: 'fun2', reselt: 'error'}

function fun3(funcParams) {
// 进行处理
console.log(`this is fun3 and the params is ${funcParams}`)
const arr = ['success', 'error']
// 这是最后一步,返回处理结果
const isSucess = arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)] === 'success' ? true : false;
return isSucess ? {funcName: 'fun3', reselt: 'success'} : {funcName: 'fun3', reselt: 'error'}

const result = fun1(() => {
return fun2(() => {
return fun3('params for fun3')
}, 'params for fun2')
}, 'params for fun1')

console.log(result) // {funcName: "fun1", reselt: "error"} 如果result如果是'success'则是成功

注: 这还不是异步的处理,如果里面有定时等异步则会更复杂(我是没想到了),很难做到又异步又能报告处理到那里了且嵌套看起来就头痛。如果是promise则会简单很多。

1 以上按promise可以这么写

function fun1(funcParams) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// 还可以定时等非阻塞之类的
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(`this is fun1 and the params is ${funcParams}`)
const arr = ['success', 'error']
arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)] === 'success' ?
resolve() : reject({funcName: 'fun1', result: 'error'})
}, 2000)

function fun2(funcParams) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// 还可以定时等非阻塞之类的
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(`this is fun2 and the params is ${funcParams}`)
const arr = ['success', 'error']
arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)] === 'success' ?
resolve() : reject({funcName: 'fun2', result: 'error'})
}, 2000)
function fun3(funcParams) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// 还可以定时等非阻塞之类的
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(`this is fun2 and the params is ${funcParams}`)
const arr = ['success', 'error']
arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)] === 'success' ?
resolve() : reject({funcName: 'fun2', result: 'error'})
}, 2000)

fun1('params for fun1')
.then(() => fun2('params for fun2'))
.then(() => fun3('params for fun3'))
.catch(e => console.log(e)) // 假如以上任意一步出错了,则会停止且在这里捕获异常


2 以上promise按可以用asincawait来调用

async function callAll() {
await fun1('param for fun1')
await fun2('param for fun2')
await fun3('param for fun3')
callAll().catch(e => {

注: async标示该函数定义为prmise,await则标示调用的函数返回的是promise

3 用Generatoryield来写则可以这样写

class demo {

constructor() {
// 在这里生成迭代器
this.generator = this.runAll();;

fun1(funcParams) {
console.log(`this is fun1 and the params is ${funcParams}`)
const arr = ['success', 'error']
arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)] === 'success' ?
// 如果处理没有问题就下一步,否则则抛出异常 : this.generator.throw(new Error('Something went rong in fun1'));

fun2(funcParams) {
console.log(`this is fun2 and the params is ${funcParams}`)
const arr = ['success', 'error']
arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)] === 'success' ? : this.generator.throw(new Error('Something went rong in fun2'));

fun3(funcParams) {
console.log(`this is fun3 and the params is ${funcParams}`)
const arr = ['success', 'error']
arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)] === 'success' ? : this.generator.throw(new Error('Something went rong in fun3'));

try {
yield this.fun1('params for fun1')
yield this.fun2('params for fun2')
yield this.fun3('params for fun3')
}catch (e) {

new demo();
// this is fun1 and the params is params for fun1
// VM1769:44 Something went rong in fun1

*注: 上面的写法还少了一步若是成功则返回各个步骤的处理结果,由于是在setTimeout写的,要返回结果当下也只有返回Promise 合适些。 注: 参考资料